Associazione per la Meditazione di Consapevolezza Vipassanā

Vicolo d'Orfeo, 1 - 00193 Roma (RM) - a 200 metri da San Pietro - tel (+39) 06 6865148

Corrado Pensa

Corrado Pensa is a founding member and, together with Neva Papachristou, teacher and guide of A.Me.Co. Senior Dharma teacher at the Insight Meditation Society of Barre (USA), for several years he was a professor of Religions and Philosophies of India at the University “La Sapienza” in Rome and a Jungian psychotherapist. He writes regularly for SATI, the magazine of A.Me.Co. He has published numerous texts on Buddhism and the practice of meditation of awareness (Vipassanā). With Mondadori: The Silence Between Two Waves. With Promolibri: Wise Attention, Unwise Attention. With Astrolabio Ubaldini: La tranquilla passione (The Quiet Passion); L’intelligenza Spirituale (The Spiritual Intelligence), in May 2018, together with Neva Papachristou, Affrettati Piano: Il cammino interiore e la meditazione di consapevolezza: una strada per la felicità (Make Haste Slowly: The Inner Path and the Mindfulness Meditation: a Way to Happiness) and, in February 2019, always with Neva Papachristou, Dare il cuore a ciò che conta (Give the Heart to What Matters), which in 2012 was released for Mondadori.